이번 글에서는 PostgreSQL에서 Lock holder와 blocked session을 확인하는 방법에 대해 알아보겠습니다.
더불어 MySQL의 innodb_lock_wait_timeout, lock_wait_timeout 설정과 같은 설정도 함께 알아보겠습니다.
lock monitoring query
with recursive activity as (
pg_blocking_pids(pid) blocked_by,
age(clock_timestamp(), xact_start)::interval(0) as tx_age,
age(clock_timestamp(), state_change)::interval(0) as state_age
from pg_stat_activity
where state is distinct from 'idle'
), blockers as (
array_agg(distinct c order by c) as pids
from (
select unnest(blocked_by)
from activity
) as dt(c)
), tree as (
1 as level,
activity.pid as top_blocker_pid,
array[activity.pid] as path,
array_agg(activity.pid) over () as all_blockers_above
from activity, blockers
array[pid] <@ blockers.pids
and blocked_by = '{}'::int[]
union all
tree.level + 1 as level,
path || array[activity.pid] as path,
tree.all_blockers_above || array_agg(activity.pid) over () as all_blockers_above
from activity, tree
not array[activity.pid] <@ tree.all_blockers_above
and activity.blocked_by <> '{}'::int[]
and activity.blocked_by <@ tree.all_blockers_above
replace(state, 'idle in transaction', 'idletx') state,
format('%s:%s', wait_event_type, wait_event) as wait,
(select count(distinct t1.pid) from tree t1 where array[tree.pid] <@ t1.path and t1.pid <> tree.pid) as blkd,
'%s %s%s',
lpad('[' || pid::text || ']', 7, ' '),
repeat('.', level - 1) || case when level > 1 then ' ' end,
from tree
order by top_blocker_pid, level, pid;
lock test
- session 1
testdb=# begin;
testdb=*# select count(*) from tb_test;
(1 row)
- session 2
testdb=# alter table tb_test add column f varchar(10);
- session 3
testdb=# select * from tb_test limit 1;
- lock 조회
pid | blocked_by | tx_age | state_age | state | datname | usename | wait | blkd | format
2099 | {} | 00:00:36 | 00:00:32 | idletx | testdb | postgres | Client:ClientRead | 2 | [2099] select count(*) from tb_test;
2061 | {2099} | 00:00:25 | 00:00:25 | active | testdb | postgres | Lock:relation | 1 | [2061] . alter table tb_test add column f varchar(10);
2100 | {2061} | 00:00:14 | 00:00:14 | active | testdb | postgres | Lock:relation | 0 | [2100] .. select * from tb_test limit 1;
=> transaction이 끝나지 않은 2099 select 세션이 lock hold 하고 있음
2061 alter 문은 2099 세션을 기다리고, 2100 select 세션은 2061 alter에 의해 대기하게되는 것을 확인할 수 있음
DDL 대기로 인해 뒤 이어지는 세션들이 계속 대기하게 되는 현상
- lock type 조회
testdb=# select locktype, relation, virtualxid, transactionid, virtualtransaction, pid, mode, granted from pg_locks where pid = 2099;
locktype | relation | virtualxid | transactionid | virtualtransaction | pid | mode | granted
virtualxid | | 3/11 | | 3/11 | 2099 | ExclusiveLock | t
relation | 24869 | | | 3/11 | 2099 | AccessShareLock | t
(2 rows)
=> table 24869 (tb_test) 에 대해 AccessShareLock을 잡고 있는 상황으로,
DDL은 이 lock에 의해 대기하게 됨
해결 방법
transaction에 의해 Lock 대기 하는 DDL세션은 그 하나만 놓고보면 별 이슈가 되지 않습니다.
선행 트랜잭션이 종료된 후에 DDL구문을 다시 해본다던가 하면 되니까요
그러나 Lock 대기하는 DDL세션에 의해 또 뒤이어 들어오는 세션들이 Lock 대기하게 되면 이것은 큰 문제가 되기때문에
DDL 구문을 바로 취소시켜버려야 합니다.
testdb=# select * from pg_settings where name in ('statement_timeout','lock_timeout');
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+----------------------------------------------------------
name | lock_timeout
setting | 0
unit | ms
category | Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior
short_desc | Sets the maximum allowed duration of any wait for a lock.
extra_desc | A value of 0 turns off the timeout.
context | user
vartype | integer
source | default
min_val | 0
max_val | 2147483647
enumvals |
boot_val | 0
reset_val | 0
sourcefile |
sourceline |
pending_restart | f
-[ RECORD 2 ]---+----------------------------------------------------------
name | statement_timeout
setting | 0
unit | ms
category | Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior
short_desc | Sets the maximum allowed duration of any statement.
extra_desc | A value of 0 turns off the timeout.
context | user
vartype | integer
source | default
min_val | 0
max_val | 2147483647
enumvals |
boot_val | 0
reset_val | 0
sourcefile |
sourceline |
pending_restart | f
위의 lock_timeout, statement_timeout 의 값을 설정하면 됨
- statement_timeout 는 커맨드 자체가 대기하게 되는 경우
- lock_timeout은 잠금 대기하게 되는 경우 적용, table,index, row 모두 통합
- statement_timeout은 운영 위험이 있어 session 단위로 적용하는 등 postgresql.conf에는 적용하지 않는 편임
- default 0 으로 무한대기
MySQL의 lock_wait_timeout(metadata lock), innodb_lock_wait_timeout (row lock) 과 같은 역할
적용 테스트
testdb=# set lock_timeout='100ms';
testdb=# alter table tb_test add column f varchar(10);
ERROR: canceling statement due to lock timeout
testdb=# set lock_timeout='0';
testdb=# alter table tb_test add column f varchar(10);
^CCancel request sent
ERROR: canceling statement due to user request
testdb=# set statement_timeout='100ms';
testdb=# alter table tb_test add column f varchar(10);
ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout